Find out about events, seminars and public lectures related to nuclear energy at The University of Manchester.
Our Dalton Seminar Series covers a range of nuclear topics with guest speakers and experts from across the University. Watch past events on our YouTube Channel.
ECR networking (and mince pies)
This is an internal event aimed at University of Manchester early career researchers, from PhD students to academics. This is a networking event, designed to foster community creation and collaboration. You will engage in a mini World Café session where you’ll delve into strengths and priorities for environmental sustainability research, designed...
Celebrating Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research
Celebrating Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research will be the theme of this year's Sustainable Futures’ Annual Conference, an event showcasing interdisciplinary sustainability research at The University of Manchester. Organised with Manchester Environmental Research Institute, Henry Royce Institute and the Sustainable Consumption Institute,...
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