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Dalton Nuclear Institute

Tank pressure dial attached to wall

Nuclear research facilities

At The University of Manchester, we are at the forefront of nuclear science and innovation, hosting a diverse range of specialist laboratories and cutting-edge facilities.

Our research tackles some of the nuclear sector’s most pressing challenges, delivering solutions that save the industry millions each year.

As a recognised leader in the field, we play a key role in the National Nuclear User Facility (NNUF) scheme, proudly hosting six of its 24 funded facilities – a testament to our expertise and impact. With over 15 dedicated nuclear research facilities, we continue to advance both fundamental science and industry-driven solutions.

Discover some of our ground-breaking facilities below and see how we’re driving innovation in the nuclear industry.

Centre for Robotics and AI

Robotic devices floating in a large spent fuel pool, connected by cables.

The Centre for Robotics and AI (CRAI) consists of several groups dedicated to developing robotics and autonomous systems to tackle challenges in extreme environments. These groups include: 

Together, these groups work to push the boundaries of robotic capabilities in challenging conditions.

Related facilities

A close-up of a microscope with green illumination, analysing a sample with a computer screen displaying magnified results in the background.

The work conducted by these facilities can be completed from start to finish within the University’s scope, thanks to the support of various other facilities involved in preparation and characterisation efforts. Many facilities contribute to this research, including: