Manchester facilities
The University‘s main campus is home to a broad range of specialist laboratories and facilities for fundamental and industry-focused nuclear research across the full fuel cycle.
We continue to invest collaboratively to expand the UK's academic research capability in nuclear science and engineering.
Our Manchester-based nuclear research facilities include:
- active graphite laboratories;
- advanced microstructural characterisation equipment;
- analytical facilities;
- corrosion facilities;
- electron optics;
- high temperature laboratory;
- Manchester X-ray imaging facility;
- manufacturing technology research laboratory;
- mechanical testing facilities;
- nuclear fuel technology research laboratories;
- nuclear physics facilities;
- radiochemistry laboratory;
- radionuclide biogeochemistry suite;
- thermal hydraulics research laboratory;
- tomography centre.
Henry Royce Institute
The Henry Royce Institute's Hub is based at the University and coordinates over £300 million of facilities, providing a joined-up framework for UK materials research and innovation.