Conventional large nuclear power plants can have high build costs and long construction periods, leading to the current interest in Small Modular Reactors and advanced (Gen IV) nuclear technologies.
Key contacts
Research at The University of Manchester helps the industry to develop the next generation of high performance reactor plants and assure their performance, as well as helping operators extend the life of existing plants.
Our work includes research in areas covering materials performance, structural integrity, modelling and simulation, thermal hydraulics and innovative manufacturing, extending reactor life and making nuclear energy cheaper to produce, bringing clean energy to the market more quickly.
We work closely with the nuclear industry via collaborations such as the Rolls-Royce UTC and the EDF MaSC programme and with research bodies such as the UK Catapult organisations and the Electric Power Research Institute of the USA to ensure the effective transfer of our growing knowledge into application.
The development of new manufacturing approaches for nuclear components will enable UK manufacturers to compete on a global as well as a national stage, while our work on graphite, high temperature materials and thermal hydraulics supports the life extension of the Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor fleet.
Other work supports Royal Navy submarines, the Sizewell B PWR and the large Gen III+ reactors currently being built at Hinkley Point C.
More information
The following research groups, centres and institutes work within the reactors field: