Postgraduate research and taught master's students benefit from our strong links with the UK industry and our extensive nuclear research capabilities and facilities.
Nuclear Technology Education Consortium
The University of Manchester is part of the Nuclear Technology Education Consortium (NTEC) which offers a Postgraduate Masters, PG Diploma, PG Certificate and CPD options in Nuclear Science and Technology. Industry and academic experts deliver 15 one week intensive course units designed to meet the UK's projected nuclear skills requirements in decommissioning and clean-up, reactor technology, materials, severe accidents, safety and radiochemistry.
This course brings together a wide range of students, from those fresh from university to industry veterans who are developing their academic credentials, enabling students to form links across the nuclear field. The MSc is accredited by the Engineering Council and endorsed by the Nuclear Institute and can form part of the case for professional registration as a chartered engineer.
Beyond learning about nuclear science and technology, students develop skills in professional writing, presenting, teamwork, as well as quantitative analysis, literature review, and synthesis of information.
During this unique MSc experience, students travel to various university locations to attend one week course units. For full time students, travel and accommodation will be arranged for any course units held outside of the student's registering university.
Centres for Doctoral Training
To train the next generation of expert nuclear scientists and engineers, The University of Manchester collaborates with four other universities to run the GREEN (Growing skills for Reliable Economic Energy from Nuclear) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT).
GREEN provides both academic and industry-based research partnerships in a taught programme of learning with secondment opportunities, industrial co-supervision and a fully industry-based PhD project to shape the experts the nuclear industry needs.
PhDs related to nuclear energy are also currently running in the following centres: